In Defence of Open Relationships

Published on 9 October 2024 at 05:08
two gay men embracing each other while in an open relationship.

Let’s be honest—open relationships get a bad rap sometimes, especially in the gay community. People are quick to throw shade, but they can be amazing if done right! I learned the hard (but fun) way about eight years ago with my then-boyfriend, Ryan.


At first, I wasn’t exactly thrilled about the idea. I mean, letting my hot boyfriend wander off with other guys? It sounded like a recipe for disaster… or at least some severe jealousy. My biggest fear was that he’d end up emotionally connecting with someone else, and I’d be left in the dust while he played house with some random dude. But surprise, surprise—it was actually the opposite!


You see, Ryan had a sex drive that could power a small city. Meanwhile, I was more like, “Can we cuddle and watch Netflix?” Giving him the freedom to do his thing took a TON of pressure off me. Instead of constantly worrying about keeping up with his… stamina, I could relax. The best part? The open relationship actually spiced things up. Something about knowing Ryan was out there with other men was a huge turn-on for me. I know, wild, right? 😏


We started exploring on our own and together. Sometimes, we’d tag-team a fun night out (if you know what I mean 💁‍♂️), and other times, we’d do our own thing. But no matter what, it was always the same at the end of the night: we fell asleep in each other’s arms. The love, the intimacy—that was all mine. And knowing that made everything feel even more special. Ryan could have his fun, but the emotional connection? That was our thing, and no one could touch it.


What surprised me was how much it took the stress off our relationship. Ryan could be his cock greedy self, and I didn’t have to feel guilty for not being able to keep up. Instead, we communicated more openly than ever. Who knew discussing who your partner was hooking up with would build trust? 😂 But it worked! We got closer, and our relationship got more robust.


Look, I get it—open relationships aren’t for everyone. But if you’re thinking about trying it, don’t freak out. It might take some of the pressure off your plate (and off your… you know 😏). It brought us closer together, helped me feel less stressed, and, honestly, it was a hell of a lot of fun.


So, if you're curious about open relationships, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it! It might just surprise you.


What are your thoughts on open relationships? Tell us below! Let Max and I know! 🐾 We’re all ears (and paws)! 😄✌️ 

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